The Great Festival Pleasure in adoration of serpent fool Death,
Police in the Wilderness (in honor of Cameron Stuart), 2020, pen, markers on newsprint, 5 x 7.5 inches
Tree Witch, 2021
Shamaness (Upside Down and Bakwards), 2004, 10"h x 5"w, crayon rubbing, back of paper
Sketch for the Great Festival Pleasure of the Earth Mother and her Spirits, 2017, pen on paper, 3"h x 9'w
Todos Santos, 2019, 11"h x 8"w, colored pencils on paper
Spirit World Rising (in honor of Daniel Johnson), 2018, colored pencil on paper, 8"h x 11"w
Diamond Head Star Demon, 2004, Pen on Paper, 4"h x 3"w
Garage Heart-Angel's Aviary Reliquary, 2006, pen, crayon, marker on wall, 15"h x 10"w
Nature Is Imagination Itself, 2015, Marker, Pen, Crayon, Whiteout on Paper, 8"h x 14"w
"What is the Length of the Night?" 2019, 6"h x 3"w, pen on paper